Super League Round 1

The 2023/24 Super League kicked off this week with some exciting matches. Tuesday saw Mammoths take on Marlins race into a comfortable 2-0 lead at the break but in the reverse matches Marlins pulled out all the stops and pegged Mammoths back to gain well deserved draw.

On Wednesday, Meerkats came up against Mustangs who were in no mood to give ground and Mustangs took the game 4-0. The score though did not do justice

The final match in Round 1 came on Thursday when Mavericks played Mercenaries. Despite some good play by Mercenaries, Mavericks took the first two games. Mercenaries continued to push Mavericks with some good play and they got their reward by taking the final game of the night but still went down 1-3.

The round produced some very good play from our less experienced members and, with encouragement from their team captains and other experienced players in the squad, they will undoubtedly improve particularly in the tactical aspects of the game.

September 100 Club Draw

The September draw was made on 22 September 2023, at the Club. The lucky winners were:

1 Roger Griffin £79.50
2 Margaret Dyer £26.50
3 Steve Nott £13.25

The 100 Club continues to expand with potentially another 3 members for the October draw. With the current 53 members this would push us to a new largest prize money pot with a monthly first prize of over £80.  And remember there is a bonus draw in December for a prize of around £150 (depending on the number of members). If you are not a member please consider joining. The more people that join the bigger the prizes and the more improvements we can make to YOUR Club.

Congratulations to the winners but don’t forget:


Contact Bernard on treasurer [at] monkstonepetanque [dot] org [dot] uk  or speak to him at he Club if you would like to join or for more details.

2023/24 Super League

The draw for the 2023/24 Super League was made at the Club today. As previously advertised, this year the teams are not based on the WPA League teams but on six new teams drawn at random with some seeding taking place. The object was to try to create more balanced teams (whether or not we succeeded remains to be seen) to give our non-League players the opportunity to play in competitive matches. As there were 39 entries it was decided before the draw took place that teams 1, 3 & 5 would have 7 players in their squad.

Matches will commence on Tuesday 3 October 2023 for 5 weeks and then, after a mid-winter break, will recommence on Tuesday 20 February 2024 for a further 5 weeks.

Full details of the basis of the draw, the full fixture list, and rules will be on the Super League page as soon as it can all be put together. Contact details for the team members will be sent to team captains.

In the meantime, team Captains are required for Mavericks, Mustangs, Mercenaries and Meerkats (see below for the teams). Without a captain the team cannot function. It is not a very onerous task. Please could someone from each of these teams volunteer to captain the team as soon as possible. Let us know if you are willing volunteer via the club WhatsApp group or by email to treasurer [at] monkstonepetanque [dot] org.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Mavericks Mustangs Mammoths Mercenaries Marlins Meerkats
Alex Skibinski Amanda Jenkins Roger Griffin (c) Colin Burford Ash Seath (C) Alex Hicks
Beryl McCarthy Francis Ryan Bernard Adshead Gill Clark Gill Greenwell Katrina Munro
Ian McCarthy Jayne Dunn Harry Camfield Judith Smith Peter Donovan Keith Thomas
John Chichester Len Christian Ian Campbell Mike Jones Roger Green Lindsay Christian
Peter Lippett Roger Bennett Peter Kensett Spencer Bartlett Sean Smith Phil Roberts
Tony Smith Tom Mills Richard King Tony Martin Sharon Paynter Rob Harris
Vickie Adshead Steve Nott Steve Hawkey

The full fixture list will be published in the next few days but the fixtures for the first week are (there is some flexibility to rearrange fixtures within the rules):

Tuesday 3 Oct Wednesday 4 Oct Thursday 5 Oct
Mammoths v Marlins Meerkats v Mustangs Mavericks v Mercenaries


2023 Monkstone Open Doubles Report

The 2023 Monkstone Open Doubles were held at the club yesterday in blistering heat and cloudless blue skies. A record 28 teams had entered, only 4 short of the maximum we can accommodate. Almost half the players were from our own club but there were also entrants from other other WPA clubs as well as unaffiliated WPA members, Big League players and players of no fixed abode. After a brief welcome from Monkstone President, Mike Jones, and explanation of the format and other play related matters from Organiser, Bernard Adshead, play got underway.

The format, in the morning, was a round-robin of 7 groups of 4 after which all 28 players were ranked based on their performance. In the afternoon there were 4 elimination competitions. The Gold Competition consisted of the top 8 ranked teams from the morning, Silver the next 8, Bronze the next 8 and finally the Tin with the remaining 4 teams. All groups, except Tin who started with a Semi Final, played Quarter Finals, Semi Finals & Finals.

Cash prizes were awarded to the Winners & Runners Up in each competition.

Play in Full Swing


Apologies to the teams that had 3 players but the system will only accept 2 names for doubles competition. the following teams had a third player:

Group 5 – Team 24 – Andrew Howard

Group 7 – Team 7 – Melys Phinnemore

Morning: Round Robin

Afternoon: Elimination


        Mike Jones with Gold Winners & Gold Runners Up


       Mike Jones with Silver Winners & Silver Runners Up


     Mike Jones with Bronze Winners & Bronze Runners Up


         Mike Jones with Tin Winners & Tin Runners Up


The Organiser


2023 Monkstone Open Doubles



Sunday 3 September 2023

Registration is 9.00 – 9.30

Pre-entry is required on the Monkstone PC website

Monkstone Opens Entry Form

Cost of entry – £5 per player – Teams of 2 or 3

Payment to be made on the day by cash or card

Closing date is Noon Thursday 31 August 2023


Cash Prizes – Raffle

Tea & Coffee available. Monkstone PC is trying to reduce its carbon footprint. Disposable Cups will not be provided, please bring your own cup/mug

The bar will be open from 12 noon